Thursday, February 17, 2011

Think Summer! Nature Day Camp Registration is Underway

During a session of URWA's 2010 summer
day camp, Jake Ballard of Bernardsville,
Gretchen Almendinger of Hillsborough and
Ayaan Kahn of Bridgewater take a break from
their stream studies to smile for the camera.

URWA hosts a variety of summer day camp programs at our Fairview Farm headquarters on Larger Cross Road in Bedminster and at the privately owned Pleasant Valley Mills Farm in Mendham. Registration for the 2011 summer season is now underway!

Formerly the site of a dairy operation, Fairview Farm’s 170 acres of fields and forests have been managed as a wildlife preserve since the land was bequeathed to URWA in 1973 by the estate of Mrs. Roberta Zuhlke. Children ranging in age from 3 to 10 enjoy unique outdoor learning experiences there. With nature as their informal classroom, the youngsters spend many fun-filled hours investigating the terrestrial and aquatic habitats that make up the preserve. The day camp leaders who guide the programs and the high school students who assist them help each child develop a genuine appreciation for the out-of-doors and learn how to protect our natural environment.

Alison Gause of Chester gathers eggs
at Pleasant Valley Mills Farm.
Pleasant Valley Mills Farm lies along the banks of the North Branch of the Raritan River. It includes the site of an historic grist mill, meadows, wooded slopes and a barn along Roxiticus Road where families have stopped for years to enjoy the rare sight of a sow and her piglets. Each day begins and ends with farm chores for the children who participate in URWA’s camp there as they learn how to care for chickens, sheep, ponies and a friendly donkey. The day campers also swim in the North Branch, collect water samples as they investigate water quality in the river, plant an organic garden and enjoy visits from craftsmen such as a ferrier, bee keeper, sheep herder, fly fisherman, chicken expert and herbalist.

For information about the day camp sessions that will be offered this summer, please visit our web site at Alternatively, you may request that a nature day camp flier and registration form be mailed to you by calling us at (908) 234-1852, ext. 12.

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